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The first snow in 2021, the beauty of the mountains and rivers has become a painting~

Share to:Time: 2021-03-12 08:44:11     Copyfrom: 英文站
{:L(time)}: 2021-03-12 08:44:11     Copyfrom: 英文站
The weather has continued to warm up recently when everyone thought that spring was coming soon
Yesterday the sky became gloomy

Early today
I was stunned by the beautiful scenery outside the window
The first snow in 2021 came so quietly, bringing infinite surprises and romance to the scenery of Xishan

Follow in the footsteps of the editor
Let's feel the first snow of 2021

Snow Scenery in Xishan Shengjing Scenic Area

Four seasons of the earth

Will always leave some unforgettable scenes

Inadvertently touch people's hearts

Even in the coldest winter of the year, it’s no exception

Snow-covered mountains and streams
Show it in front of us in the most natural posture
Although the snow is a bit late
But finally he didn't live up to it
So many days of anticipation make Xishan Shengjing a white city in seconds

With the falling of snowflakes
The entire scenic spot seems to have become soft, like a fairy world with pink makeup and jade
The snow scene of the Manshan Mountain sets off the peaks more majestic

The rolling white snow decorates the mountains
Silver-encased plain wrap, Yushu Qionghua, powder makeup and jade masonry

Like a fairy tale world

Into the depths of the snow scene

Wan Lai is quiet

Small pieces of snowflakes are like reed flowers

Like a dandelion, like a white feather

Set against the scenery of mountains and streams

More mysterious and quiet

Like stepping into a fairyland in a dream

Listen carefully
A faint rustle fell from the tree

Like snowflakes whispering

Telling their stories on the mountains and streams

Snow is the spirit of winter

Even in the harsh wind

The dance of snowflakes is still so elegant

A heavy snowfall can always calm people down

Earth Silver Appearance seems to be slowing down

calm down

When the snow falls

It should be the most beautiful time in Xue's life

It floats down gently

There is a breeze in the sky

It tremblingly changes direction and floats

Eventually it fell

Still cover the ground gently and tenderly

But it amazes all the hopeful winter time

Baixue hates spring night

Therefore, the tree in the garden is made of flying flowers

The flying snow covered the entire stream and mountain with a layer of white gauze

Snow falls on the ground

Meet different landscapes

There are different changes


There is no snow in your city!

Then don’t hurry up and pack your bags

Catch the tail of winter

Go to this romantic appointment in the beautiful scenery of Xishan

The first snow in 2021,

Let's take a look at the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers!

Announcement on epidemic prevention for tourists

     In order to ensure the safety of tourists in the scenic spot, Xishan Shengjing Scenic Spot strictly implements the latest epidemic prevention and control requirements of the Tongchuan Epidemic Prevention and Control Command Office. The epidemic prevention and control announcement of the scenic spot is now issued, please strictly implement it. details as follows:

1. All tourists visiting scenic spots must register with their real names;

2. Please wear a mask correctly when entering the park, and cooperate with the staff to check the green code of the communication big data itinerary card, the green code of Shaanxi health, take the temperature measurement, and take the initiative to inform the health status.

3. All tourists and accompanying persons who have a * reminder (the city has high- and medium-risk areas) passing through the city within 14 days of the communication itinerary card cannot enter the venue.

4. Persons who have returned from abroad in the past 14 days, with red or yellow health codes, and persons with a body temperature of 37.3 degrees or higher are not allowed to enter the venue.

5. For cross-peak tours, you should wear a mask when entering scenic spots and hotels. Keep your distance and reduce conversations when you visit.

6. If you have fever, cough and other related symptoms while playing, please wear a mask immediately and contact the staff in time to guide you to the designated area to contact a doctor.

Address: xiufanggou, Zhaojin Town, Yaozhou District, Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province

Tel: 0919-6586999


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