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Exploration on the integrated development of "red" and "green" in old revolutionary base areas

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{:L(time)}: 2020-12-16 18:02:59     Copyfrom: 英文站

In recent years, Gao Yongcai's red tourism has become the mainstream choice of people's travel. Every holiday, red tourist attractions such as revolutionary memorial hall, revolutionary holy land, revolutionary conference site and patriotic education base will usher in the peak passenger flow.

On the National Day this autumn, red tourism has a strong recovery momentum. In Zunyi, Guizhou Province, people visit small towns and taste good wine; in juzizhoutou, they see mountains everywhere and forests everywhere; in Yan'an, the holy land of revolution, they see the towering pagoda mountain and face the rolling Yanhe River; in xuejiazhai, Tongchuan, they enjoy the Zhuang Meixi mountain and take the Red Army road again

The most precious spiritual wealth are the moving deeds of the revolutionary ancestors, the indomitable spirit of struggle and glorious tradition, and the excellent poems full of revolutionary optimism. The history casts the poem, sings the speech. These poems and revolutionary events leave rich resources for today's red tourism development. Zhoutou, yunya, cliff, Gaoxia, Pinghu and other natural landscapes have been infused with fresh souls, and become "red landmarks" in the revolutionary journey, making red scenic spots "traversable history" and "perspective stories". Constantly bring people to the historical situation, in the imagination and empathy, internalize the historical memory and spiritual gene of generation after generation.

Culture is the soul of tourism. Scenic spots without cultural heritage are empty, superficial, and lack charm and vitality. Even if they occasionally become "net red", they come and go faster, and it is difficult to show a complete value chain and reflect the real connotation of tourism.

As a red scenic spot, without the nourishment of red culture, it will lose the value and significance of existence. At the same time, green culture is the basis for the development of red scenic spots with rich resources, especially the remote revolutionary base areas. In the process of striving to build socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era, we should highlight and spread the red culture through "red leading", interpret and inherit the new meaning of revolutionary spirit through "green rising", strive to realize the organic unity of "Prospering industry, enriching people and ecological beauty", and let more people feel the revolutionary feelings voluntarily and witness that the development force is not just a kind of national life Living construction is an important way to sharpen the national spirit.

Red tourism is the "infection" of moistening things and touching the soul, rather than simple preaching. In the process of practicing the concept of "two mountains", we need to explore the transformation path from the value of red resources to the spiritual kinetic energy and industrial development kinetic energy of high-quality green development through the integration of culture and tourism according to the principle of "originating from history, integrating into reality and leading the future", and draw the blueprint of "red and green" integration development, so as to highlight the cultural logic of red tourism from a deeper level and promote the development of red tourism in China To establish a meaningful and vivid national spirit class.

If green ecology is the advantage of development, red humanity is the hope. Make good use of green and red resources, the development will win the first chance, and the red scenic area will take on a new look.

Red scenic spots need to create a strong red atmosphere with full red elements to make red resources live. At the same time of telling a good red story, they should use red to bring green and green to support red. They should build an ecological village with green environment, green economy, green society, green humanity and green consumption, transform ecological advantages into industrial advantages, and lead the masses to "dig for gold and silver" among green waters and green mountains ”, sentimentally watch the cultural roots of the beautiful countryside.

The development of the times also requires red scenic spots to take the construction of red tourism brand as the starting point, innovate and develop product forms, deal with the relationship between "modern expression of red culture, modern products of red resources, and modern market of red products", accelerate the promotion of high-quality green development, enhance the influence of red culture, focus, empower, and establish roots for rural development, and let the red spirit shine forever .

Zhaojin is located in Tongchuan, Shaanxi Province. It is said that emperor Yang of Sui Dynasty toured here and called it "Rizhao Jinyi, which looks like gold everywhere", so Zhaojin got its name. Fan Kuan, a painter of the Northern Song Dynasty, created the travel map of mountains and rivers based on the landscape of Zhaojin, which is not only the peak of natural landscape painting, but also the epitome of the "culture of mountains and rivers" of Zhaojin. Zhaojin has a good location, only an hour's drive from Xi'an. With good resources, green mountains and green waters, Danxia landform, blue sky and white clouds, it is a "two avoidance and five maintenance" (summer, haze; health, heart, pension, beauty and treatment) resort.

It is Liu Zhidan, Xie Zichang, Xi Zhongxun and other revolutionaries of the older generation who really let the world remember that they created the Shaanxi Gansu border revolutionary base with Zhaojin as the center here and wrote a glorious page in the history of Chinese revolution.

Since 2013, Zhaojin old revolutionary base area has taken the red culture as the "background color", the green mountains and green waters as the "strengthening color", and the development of health care industry as the way. Under the strategic guidance of "red, tourism and health care", Zhaojin old revolutionary base area has actively integrated the resource characteristics of "red cradle and green home", deeply excavated the connotation of red culture, refined the essence of Xishan culture, constructed ecological landscape water system, and enriched the environment The rich and diverse landscape makes a beautiful picture integrating Town, mountain, water and scenery. The media report even takes "holiday, health and happiness, Zhaojin is Jiangnan" as a vivid annotation. By playing the "red and green" Symphony, Zhaojin has realized the "hematopoiesis" of the industrial system. People can increase their income and become rich at home, turning the good scenery of the old revolutionary base area into a good scenery for the people of the old revolutionary base area, and setting an important example for the transformation and development of the old revolutionary base area.

At present, the majority of Zhaojin tourists are party building, research and training teams. The tourist group is single. There are no two-day tour products. Most of the tours are one-day tours. The number of overnight tourists is small and the unit price is low. It can be said that "the popularity is high and the wealth is weak". The transformation and development of Zhaojin scenic area and the second entrepreneurship are imminent.

Since 2019, with the successful implementation of ecological restoration projects such as xiufanghe mountains, rivers, forests, fields and lakes, the ecological environment of Danxia landform area with xuejiazhai as the center has been greatly improved, which also provides the possibility to integrate the surrounding tourism resources such as xuejiazhai, xiufanghe Wetland Park, Xishan Scenic Spot and longjiazhai, and construct the pattern of Daxishan scenic spot. The Xishan Scenic Area, which is constructed according to the standard of 5A scenic area, includes party building, research and study, mountain sightseeing, experience, ice and snow, coal mine industrial tourism and other formats. It will become the core attraction of Zhaojin cultural tourism and form two-day tourism products. Through millions of Party building and research teams every year, the reputation effect of Xishan Scenic Area will be enlarged. Make use of Zhaojin's unique location and environmental advantages to do a good job of health care industry. At the same time, relying on Zhaojin international ski resort, we will build the largest indoor ski resort in Northwest China, realize four seasons skiing, further expand and strengthen Zhaojin ice and snow industry, fundamentally change the current Zhaojin cultural tourism development pattern, and finally form a "Xishan Scenic Area, Zhaojin ice and snow" dual core development, mutual promotion, domestic first-class "red" and "green" integrated development demonstration And national tourist resorts.

下一篇:Come to Zhaojin, a place that must not be missed!

Address: xiufanggou, Zhaojin Town, Yaozhou District, Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province

Tel: 0919-6586999


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