Sep-17 , 2024 Tuesday

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In order to ensure the safety of tourists in the scenic spot, Xishan Shengjing Scenic Spot strictly implements the latest epidemic prevention and control requirements of the Tongchuan Epidemic Prevention and Control Command Office. The epidemic prevention and control announcement of the scenic spot is now issued, please strictly implement it.

Details as follows:

  1. All tourists visiting scenic spots must register with their real names;

  2. Please wear a mask correctly when entering the park.Cooperate with staff to check the green code of communication big data itinerary card, Shaanxi health green code, and temperature measurement,Proactively inform the health status.

  3. The communication itinerary card passes through the city within 14 days*Reminder (the city has high and medium risk areas) all tourists and accompanying persons cannot enter the venue.

  4. Those who have returned from abroad in the past 14 days,Persons with red or yellow health codes and body temperature ≥ 37.3 degrees are not allowed to enter the venue.

  5. For cross-peak tours, you should wear a mask when entering scenic spots and hotels. Keep your distance and reduce conversations when you visit.

  6. If you have fever, cough and other related symptoms while playing, please wear a mask immediately and contact the staff in time to guide you to the designated area to contact a doctor.

Address: xiufanggou, Zhaojin Town, Yaozhou District, Tongchuan City, Shaanxi Province

Tel: 0919-6586999


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